Our Products

Beard Detangler and Softner

Hair Moisturizer

Beard Oil

“Bayleigh’s is not just a product line now it’s a brand”




Julius Williams, better known by his clients as Jew the Barber, is a beauty, cosmetic and personal care professional with over 21 years of experience. The name Bayleighs was inspired by my daughter which initially always wanted to start something to leave behind for my daughter so I started the business because I always wanted my own line of products being in the industry as a barber I realized my clients trusted my expertise when it came to products and recommendations, I started paying attention to what customers needed most and I decided to start creating my own line of products based off the needs of my clientele so I didn’t have to send them to the store or someone else. Bayleigh’s is not just a product line now it’s a brand.